Term 6. ЗАДАНИЕ 5. READING ex. 9-10. Change in retailing
Контрольная работа
Название работы: Term 6. ЗАДАНИЕ 5. READING ex. 9-10. Change in retailing
Вид работы: Контрольная работа
Описание: Term 6
READING ex. 9-10
Change in retailing
9. Match the words with their Russian equivalents:
1. at the right time a. увеличенные примерочные комнаты
2. be upgraded b. современный магазин
3. enhanced fitting rooms c. в нужное время
4. convenient price-check devices d. магазин повседневного спроса (небольшой магазин рядом с домок предлагающий небольшой выбор товаров)
5. lounge areas e. быть улучшенным, обновленным
6. shopping cart f. разглядеть, распознать проблему
7. face a challenge g. зоны/комнаты отдыха
8. recognise the problem h. посредник
9. up-to-date store i. оптовик
10. intermediary j. торговая тележка
11. wholesaler k. удобные устройства для сверки/проверки цены товара
12. convenience store l. сталкиваться с проблемой
10. Translate into Russian:
1. Department stores are to recognize their problems and are to change into up-to-date stores.
2. Comfortable lounge areas, enhanced fitting rooms, convenient shopping carts form customer service level.
3. The profit covered the «hoksileu expenses.
4. Intermediary is a person or organization that helps to arrange business deals between other people.
5. The President said his actions were the right ones and aliht nflht time-
б. The hotel has recently been upgreded by improving its conditioner system.
7. The new government faced the difficult challenge of putting the economy of the country on its feet.
8. Convenience stores are the shops where you can buy food, alcohol magazines etc. They are open tor 24 hours every day.
9. Wholesale sell goods in large quantities at low prices to other businessmen rather than to separate people.
Год: 2023
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