Английский язык. Выполнение упражнений

Контрольная работа

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Название работы: Английский язык. Выполнение упражнений

Вид работы: Контрольная работа

Описание: Заказ работы по Английскому языку.

Выполнение упражнений

Variant 1

I. Прочитайте текст An English Family.
II. Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту:
1. What is John Cornford interested in?
2. What does his wife do?
3. How many children do they have?
4. What kind of person is their son Ted?
5. Does Ted’s sister, Mary, work?

III. Найдите а) русские эквиваленты и б) английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

а) tall, to wear, casual clothes, to be interested in, to wear, to collect, to travel on business, a design office, gentle, a housewife, keen, to prefer, quiet, to be fond of, to respect, attractive, a bright girl
б) интересоваться, команда, яхт-клуб, отличный моряк, работать, заботиться, конструкторское бюро, местный, близкие друзья, хорошо успевать, предпочитать, человек, любящий проводить время в прогулках походах, добрый, практичный

IV. Вставьте нужные предлоги там, где необходимо:

1. John is interested … collecting pictures.
2. His wife looks … the house and the family.
3. He is a member … the local yacht club and often takes part … competitions.
4. Steve has a number … close friends, he likes them … very much.
5. His sister does very well … school.

V. Вставьте подходящие местоимения в нужной форме:

1. She is an attractive woman, … hair is blod.
2. … son’s name is Steve.
3. … has many friends, … friends are very kind.
4. Mary studies well, … marks at school are good.

VI. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужном времени и правильной форме:

a. He usually (to get) up at six every day.
b. He (to travel) to America at the moment.
c. Jane (to have) two children, a son and a daughter.
d. Their children (to be) serious and clever.
e. Now Steve (to watch) a football game on TV.
f. At this moment Mary (to prepare) for the test.

VII. Напишите данные предложения в страдательном залоге: ACTIVE PASSIVE
1. Jane looks after the house and the family. 1. The house and the family …
2. He is opening a new office over their next year. 2. A new office …
3. Steve often watches football games on TV. 3. …
4. He is repairing his yacht now. 4. …

VIII. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский, используя изученные грамматические структуры:

1. Обычно он идет на работу в девять часов утра.
2. Сейчас он просматривает утреннюю газету.
3. Его сын не учится, он работает в конструкторском бюро.
4. У нее много работы, она очень занята.
5. Сейчас его жена готовит ужин на кухне.

Для успешного выполнения контрольной работы №2 необходимо изучить параграфы 4, 5, 6, 7.3(3), 7.4(3), 8, 9, 11, 12 раздела «Грамматический материал».

Variant 4

I. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Seasons and Weather in Russia.

II. Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту:

1. What is the most unpleasant thing about winter?
2. What holiday do Russian people celebrate in winter?
3. What season will spring be followed by?
4. Where will the people go in summer?
5. What will happen in nature in spring?

III. Найдите а) русские эквиваленты и б) английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

а) to fall asleep, to melt, to awaken, to be full of joy and life, summer months, to swim in the river, to sunbathe, to be frozen over, to rise later, in the open air, pleasant, the average temperature
б) заходить раньше, постепенно, возвращаться, проводить время, светить, мягкий, ходить в лес, следовать за, просыпаться, скучный, растения и цветы

IV. Раскройте скобки и поставьте прилагательное в нужной степени сравнения:

1. The nights become (short) in summer than in winter.
2. What is the (cold) season in Russia?
3. Snow will melt (quick) when the temperature is (high).
4. In summer there are (many) flowers than in spring.
5. In winter there is (little) snow in Europe than in Russia.

V. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужном времени и правильной форме:

1. The birds (to return) from the South in few weeks.
2. If the weather (to get) warmer, all kinds of plants (to come) out in spring.
3. When the days (to become) longer snow (to melt) quicker.
4. The people (to decorate) their flats with New Year trees in some months.
5. We (to sunbathe) from 9 till 11 in the morning tomorrow.
6. My friends and I (to go) to the forest next Saturday.

VI. Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам:

1. In the end of March the weather will become gradually warmer.
2. In April the birds will be building the nests in the trees.

VII. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский, используя изученные грамматические структуры:

1. Если зима будет очень морозной, лето будет очень жарким.
2. Природа проснется весной после длинной зимней спячки.
3. Мы пойдем купаться, когда будет жарко.
4. Лето – самое лучшее время года, мы будем гулять целыми днями в отпуске.
5. Солнце будет светить ярче после дождя.

VIII. Напишите данные предложения в страдательном залоге: ACTIVE PASSIVE
1. People will decorate the flats with New Year trees. 1. The flats …
2. We will find the time to go to the forest tomorrow. 2. The time to go to the forest …
3. They must spend more time in the open air. 3. …

Для успешного выполнения контрольной работы №2 необходимо изучить параграфы 7.3(2), 7.4(2), 8, 9, 14 раздела «Грамматический материал».


Variant 4

I. Прочитайте и переведите текст A Very Energetic Woman.

II. Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту:

1. Why does Martha usually get up very early?
2. What did she do at work in the morning?
3. What did she do at 9.30?
4. Where did Martha and her children go after her work?
5. What did the family do at home in the evening?

III. Найдите а) русские эквиваленты и б) английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

а) to be busy with, in both places, to have tea with biscuits, to make some phone calls, to be too sleepy, for a few minutes, to pick up, at once, important, the members of the family, to do business
б) в конце дня, хорошо выполнять работу, вместе, иногда, звонить, отчет, планы на день, читать почту. добираться до работы, снять пальто, встретить старого друга

IV. Напишите три формы неправильных глаголов:
Take, go, get, do, say, give, have, tell, speak, read, feel, sit, put, spend, drink

V. Вставьте нужные предлоги там, где необходимо:

1. She is always busy … her job.
2. At the end of the day she picked … the children at school.
3. Martha always took care … of her family.
4. They didn’t go … home immediately … work.
5. They went … the café together.

VI. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужном времени и правильной форме:

1. She (to tell) the boss about the plans for the day.
2. They (to watch) TV from 7 till 8 in the evening.
3. Martha (to make) some important phone calls.
4. The children (to walk) in the park for half an hour.
5. She (to get) to the office in time yesterday.

VII. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский, используя изученные грамматические структуры:

1. Вчера вечером они пошли навестить родителей.
2. Она прочитала почту утром на работе.
3. Коллеги поговорили несколько минут.
4. Дети были рады увидеть своих друзей.
5. Марта писала отчет полчаса.

VIII. Напишите данные предложения в страдательном залоге: ACTIVE PASSIVE
1. Martha picked up children at school. 1. Children …
2. They were eating a cake at a café at 6 p.m. 2. A cake …
3. At home the family watched an interesting film on TV. 3. …
4. Martha was reading book at 9.30. 4. …

4. Подберите правильную форму прилагательных и наречий, данных в скобках.
1. John is the (clever) cleverest student in our group.
2. It is (cold) colder today than it was yesterday.
3. London is one of the (big) biggest cities in the world.
4. The second sentence is (difficult) more difficult than the first one.
5. a) This test is (bad) worse than your last one. b) This test is as (bad) bad as your last one. c) This test is the (bad) worst you have ever done.
6. Helen speaks English (well) better than me.
7. Athens is (far) farther from London than Rome is.
8. The boss will give us (far) further instructions tomorrow.
9. Susan is (old) older than Mark; she is the (old) eldest of the family.
10. I think Nick won't have any problems with exam: he works (hard) harder than you do.
11. She is the (beautiful) most beautiful girl I have ever seen.
12. The more you study, the (good) better specialist you become.
5. Составьте предложения в соответствии с образцом.
Образец 1: Car racing – dangerous – boxing
Car racing is more dangerous than boxing.
Boxing – dangerous – car racing
Boxing is less dangerous than car racing.
1. Writing – difficult – reading; Writing is more difficult than reading.
2. Amber (янтарь) – expensive – diamond; Amber is less expensive than diamond.
3. Teachers – experienced – students; Teachers are more experienced than students.
4. Men – emotional – women; Men are less emotional than women.
5. Mayors – influential – president; Mayors are less influential than president.
6. Fruits – useful – cakes; Fruits are more useful than cake.
7. Gestures – expressive – speech. Gestures are less expressive than speech.
Образец 2: Daughter – beautiful – mother
The daughter is as beautiful as her mother.
English – difficult – Greek
English is not so difficult as Greek.
1. Sofa – comfortable – armchair; Sofa is as comfortable as armchair.
2. The moon – bright – the sun; The moon is not so bright as the sun.
3. Bicycle – expensive – car; Bicycle is not so expensive as car.
4. July – warm – August; July is as warm as August.
5. Abramovich – rich – Bill Gates; Abramovich is as rich as Bill Gates.
6. Train – fast – plane; Train is not so fast as plane.
7. Drugs – harmful – alcohol. Drugs are as harmful as alcohol.
6. Переведите на английский язык. Вариант 1
1. Наш директор – старейший и самый уважаемый работник этого предприятия. Our director is the eldest and the most reputable employee of this enterprise.
2. Скажите, пожалуйста, где ближайшая автобусная остановка. Tell me please where is the nearest bus stop.
3. Ваша сестра – самая талантливая из молодых актёров. Your sister is the most talented of young actors.
4. Твой друг старше тебя? – Да, он старше меня на два года. Is your friend older than you? - Yes, he is two years older than me.
5. Джордж – самый старший из четырёх братьев. George is the eldest of four brothers.
6. Сегодня не так холодно, как было вчера. Today is not so cold as yesterday.
7. Ждите дальнейших распоряжений. Wait for further instructions.
8. Тебе следует найти квартиру подальше от родителей. You should find an apartment farther from your parents.
9. Твоё сочинение намного интереснее этого. Your essay is more interesting than this essay.
10. Чем внимательнее вы будете на лекциях, тем лучше вы сдадите экзамен. The more attentive you are in the lectures, the better you pass the exam.
11. Вы учитесь хуже, чем ваш брат. You study worse than your brother.
12. Твой компьютер не такой современный, как мой. Your computer is not so modern as mine.
13. Это был последний роман А. Кристи. This was the last novel by A. Christie.
14. В своей работе он использует последние (новейшие) методы исследования. In his work, he uses the latest methods of research.

4. Образуйте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения от исходных.
Образец: She likes classical music. – She doesn't like classical music. – Does she like classical music?
1. He leaves home for the university at 8.30 every day. – He doesn’t leave home for the university at 8.30 every day. – Does he leave home for the university at 8.30 every day?
2. We usually do our homework together.- We don’t usually do our homework together. – Do you usually do our homework together?
3. The train arrives in half an hour. - The train doesn’t arrive in half an hour.- Does the train arrive in half an hour?
4. It often rains in autumn. - It doesn’t often rain in autumn. –Does it often rain in autumn?
5. My uncle speaks two foreign languages. - My uncle doesn’t speak two foreign languages. – Does your uncle speak two foreign languages?
6. The students often translate texts at the English lesson. - The students don’t often translate texts at the English lesson. Do the students often translate texts at the English lesson?
7. Our family seldom goes to the seaside in summer. - Our family doesn’t seldom go to the seaside in summer. - Does your family seldom go to the seaside in summer?
8. They always get up early in the morning. – They don’t always get up early in the morning. - Do they always get up early in the morning?
9. Our relatives live in the Ukraine. - Our relatives don’t live in the Ukraine.- Do your relatives live in the Ukraine?
10. This student does his best to study well. - This student doesn’t do his best to study well. – Does this student do his best to study well?
11. Everybody remembers this prominent scientist.- Everybody doesn’t remember this prominent scientist. – Does anybody remember this prominent scientist?
12. We have English lesson twice a week. – We don’t have English lesson twice a week. –Do you have English lesson twice a week?
5. Задайте по 6 вопросов разного типа к данным предложениям (общий, специальный, разделительный, альтернативный, отрицательный, вопрос к подлежащему).
1. This foreigner speaks Russian rather well.
Does this foreigner speak Russian rather well?
How does this foreigner speak Russian?
This foreigner speaks Russian rather well, doesn’t he?
Does this foreigner speak Russian or French rather well?
Doesn’t this foreigner speaks Russian rather well?
Who speaks Russian rather well?

6. Many people enter our university every year.

Do many people enter our university every year?
Where do many people enter every year?
Many people enter our university every year, don’t they?
Do many people enter our university or other university every year?
Don’t many people enter our university every year?
Who enters our university every year?

Topic 2.
Higher Education in Russia

1. Read and translate the text.

Citizens of Russia have the right to education which is guaranteed by the Constitution. Higher education is provided by public and non-public higher educational institutions such as universities, academies and institutes.
Higher school entrance is based on the results of the Uniform State Exam or some tests and interview.
According to the two level educational system, we have:
-·basic higher education-4 years of full time university level study, leading to the Bachelor’s degree;
- post-graduate higher education- 2 years. After two years of studying you can receive the Master’s degree. After getting the Master’s degree students can continue to study for the higher degree: Candidate of Science degree (the first level, equivalent to Ph. D) and Doctor of Science degree (the second highest level).
The Bachelor’s degree is awarded in all fields, except medicine, mining, marine specialities such as navigation, marine engineering etc. Diploma project is prepared under the guidance of a scientific supervisor. Students must carry out a year of research (including practice), prepare and defend a thesis which constitutes an original contribution and sit for final examinations.

2. Answer the questions:
1. What is higher education guaranteed by? The right of education is guaranteed by the Constitution. But higher education is provided by public and non-public higher educational institutions such as universities, academies and institutes.
2. What is the higher school admission based on? Higher school admission is based on the results of the Uniform State Exam or some tests and interview.
3. What are the levels of higher education? According to the two level educational system, we have basic higher education-4 years of full time university level study, leading to the Bachelor’s degree; and post-graduate higher education- 2 years
4. What fields is the Bachelor’s degree awarded in? The Bachelor’s degree is awarded in all fields, except medicine, mining, marine specialities such as navigation, marine engineering etc.

3. Match the English and Russian words and word combinations.

1. the right to education 2. postgraduate course 3. the Bachelor’s degree 4. higher educational institution 5. research 6. humanities 7. subjects 8. to defend a thesis 9. state final exams a) гуманитарные науки b) защитить диссертацию c) предметы d) вуз e) государственные экзамены f) аспирантура g) право на образование h) научная работа i) степень бакалавра

1-g, 2-f, 3-i, 4-d, 5-h, 6-a, 7-c, 8-b, 9-e.

Год: 2020

Данный заказ (контрольная работа) выполнялся нашим сайтом в 2020-м году, в рамках этого заказа была написана работа на тему "Английский язык. Выполнение упражнений". Если у Вас похожее задание , пожалуйста заполните форму, приведённую ниже, после чего Ваше задание в первую очередь рассмотрит наш автор, выполнявший в 2020-м году этот заказ, если он откажется, то Ваше задание оценят другие наши авторы в течение 48-и часов, если оценка нужна срочно, просим Вас оставить пометку об этом - напишите в тексте задания фразу "СРОЧНЫЙ ЗАКАЗ".

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