filebackup [SourceDirectory] [backupDirectory]

Контрольная работа
в среде программирования С++

Если Вы считаете, что данная страница каким-либо образом нарушает Ваши авторские права, то Вам следует обратиться в администрацию нашего сайта по адресу либо через форму обратной связи

Среда программирования: С++

Название работы: filebackup [SourceDirectory] [backupDirectory]

Вид работы: Контрольная работа

Описание: Project #0 – file backup

Project Description
Create a C++ Windows console application that recursively backs up source files (any file with the extensions
.c, .cpp, .h or .hpp) into a backup folder. Files that are copied will be counted and their sizes totaled and reported.

Program Interfaces
The program should have the following command-line interface:

filebackup [SourceDirectory] [backupDirectory]

sourceDirectory The source folder that is parsed recursively backupDirectory The backup folder where the files are backed up

The program may be run in the following configurations:


Creates a FileManager object using the default c’tor
Program should call backup() to backup from CWD to C:\backup
Program should also call report() to show files in CWD

filebackup path

Creates a FileManager object using the 1-arg c’tor where path is the source directory
Program should use the copy c’tor to backup files to C:\backup (the copy c'tor would always copy files to the default backup location)
Program should also call report() to show files in path

filebackup path1 path2

Creates a FileManager object using the 2-arg c’tor where path1 is the source directory and path2 is the backup directory
Program should call backup() to backup from path1 to path2
Program should also call report() to show files in path1

filebackup path1 path2 extention

Creates a FileManager object using the 2-arg c’tor where path1 is the source directory and path2 is the backup directory
Program should call backup() to backup from path1 to path2
Program should also call report() to show files in path1.
Program should also report the name of all the files found that contained the extension

FileManager Class (Class used to manage the filebackups)

• The Default Constructor finds the appropriate source files that are present in the current working directory. Only .c, .cpp, .h, .hpp are accepted as appropriate source files. The source directory defaults to the current working directory and the backup directory defaults to “c:\backup”.

• The 1-arg and 2-arg Constructors that initializes the source folder and backup folder and finds all appropriate files in the source folder. Only .c, .cpp, .h, .hpp are accepted as appropriate source files.

• If a third argument(extension) is provided, then the program will continue to backup the specified files above, in addition to the files with the given extension. It will then proceed to print the name of all files that was encountered with the specified extension within the report.
- If an argument of “all” is provided as the extension, then it will print the total different extensions found(with the number of occurrence) instead of the file names after the report. E.g.
.txt 32
.exe 15

• The Copy Constructor constructs its object with copies of each member of the FileManager object passed in as a parameter and performs any backup operation implied by its source folder (see Backupmethod). The Move Constructor is not allowed.

• The Copy Assignment Operator copies each member of the FileManager object on the right hand side using the copy-assignment operator. The Move Assignment Operator is not allowed.

• Backup method that will actually backup any source files stored in the source directory to the backup directory. If there are two files with the same name (because of recursion), the first file encountered will be backed up.

• Report method that lists the backup state of the file (+ for backed up and – for not backed up), source directory, the backup directory, and all source files stored in the FileManager class along with their size. The last line of the report states the total files backed up and the total byte size. An example of the report is shown below.

If the backup directory has a file with the same name, do not back up the file.

If there are no folder(s) specified, the FileManager class

Grading Criteria
Functional Requirements Max Actual
Implements the command line arguments as shown in Program Interfaces 15
Default Constructor finds the appropriate source files that are present in the current working directory. Only .c, .cpp, .h, .hpp and sets the source and backup directory to default values. 10
Implements the extention argument successully 10
Appropriate Constructors with Arguments that initialize the source directory and backup directory and finds all appropriate files in the source directory 10
Copy Constructor copies all appropriate information from the FileManager object to this object. Then does a backup of the files from the source directories to the backup directory. 10
Move Constructor and Move assignment operator are disabled 5% 5
Copy Assignment operator copies the appropriate information from the FileManager object to this object. 15
Backup method to do a backup of the source files to the backup directory 10
Report method to report the files found and their size and the backup status (+ backed up, or – not backed up) to console. The last line will print the total files that are backed up along with the total size of all files. 5
If there is a file with the name already in the backup folder, the file is not copied 5
Create a class diagram that describes your program adequately. 5

Non-functional requirements
All classes are in their own separate .cpp and .hpp files -20%/class -0% Sizes not comma separated numbers -5% -0% Listing is not presented in clean columns -5% -0% Executable program is not named ‘filebackup.exe’ -10% -0%
Code documentation: Descriptive PDL -5%/non- trivial function
Code documentation: Function pre-/post-conditions and purpose -
5%/importan t function


Bad stylei -5%/offense -0% Warnings issued when compiled at warning level 3. -5%/warning -0% Failure to respect submission requirements -5%/issue -0%
Total 100% %

Submission Requirements
1. Submit entire Visual Studio project directory
a. Delete all debug and release directories.ii
b. Submit in a .ZIP, .7z archive file.

Год: 2021

Данный заказ (контрольная работа) выполнялся нашим сайтом в 2021-м году, в рамках этого заказа была разработана программа в среде программирования С++. Если у Вас похожее задание на программу, которую нужно написать на С++, либо на другом языке программирования, пожалуйста заполните форму, приведённую ниже, после чего Ваше задание в первую очередь рассмотрит наш программист, выполнявший в 2021-м году этот заказ, если он откажется, то Ваше задание оценят другие наши программисты в течение 48-и часов, если оценка нужна срочно, просим Вас оставить пометку об этом - напишите в тексте задания фразу "СРОЧНЫЙ ЗАКАЗ".

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